Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just before heading out to spend an afternoon showing a New Yorker houses in Pittsburgh, I received a note from Virginia, a frequent poster to a yahoo group and a potential Pittsburgher currently living in New Jersey.

Virginia described the current New York Magazine and an article called "A Moveable Fiesta", about Buenos Aires becoming an "expat Haven", and she quotes: "New Yorkers are also Fleeing to:", the places listed were: "Shanghai, Budapest, and Pittsburgh"

Virginia just happened on the article and hey, I'm a subscriber and I didn't notice that. "I thought, (oh, God, no, not before I take a look around) Dammit, why do New Yorkers have to "discover" everything, everywhere. That's exactly what happened in Philly?" Virginia asked aloud in the email.

The magazine notes that $300,000 gets you a three-bedroom home in Pittsburgh. Hell, I think $30,000 would.

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